Open Garden

This open garden on Amiens Road includes a well stocked cake, produce and garden stall, craft stall and multi-draw and lucky door prizes. Light teas available. Entry fee $8. 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

In aid of:
Stanthorpe Chaplaincy
Community Development Services

For directions and other details contact us.

World Day of Prayer

‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me’.

Friday 1st March

7:30pm at the Stanthorpe Uniting Church.

This year’s World Day of Prayer has a French theme.

All Welcome

Please bring a plate of food (French?) to share for supper.

Working bee at Dalveen

There will be a working bee to clean out the Dalveen Church on Saturday 16 February at 8am. If you are able to help please speak to Kris or Dudley, or contact us.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish meeting will be held on Monday 11 February at 7:00pm in the Stanthorpe Church. All Welcome.

All reports to be included in the Annual Report Booklet should be emailed or given to Nancy by 20 January. Contact us for more details.

Special Congregational Meetings

Special Congregational Meetings will be held at each of the three Churches following the services on Sunday 20 January 2013.

These meetings follow on from the December consultation with the Presbytery Team.  The two items to be discussed are recommendations VIII(a) and VIII(b) from the Consultation Report.

For more information contact us.

Islam in our Country – How do we respond – OM presentation

Islam in our Country – How do we respond – OM presentation

Whether they be students from Saudi Arabia or refugees from Iran, Afghanistan of Somalia the numbers of Muslim people living in Australia is increasing. As Christians how should we respond to this trend? Should we be fearful or is this an opportunity? Andrew (OM Qld) and Tillman will be sharing about this work. Tillman has worked with Operation Mobilisation amongst Muslim people in Sydney of over 11 years. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Islam, some of the challenges of ministering to Muslim people and also to be inspired by what God is doing amongst these people groups. We would love to see you there.
Stanthorpe Baptist Church
Saturday 15 December 7-9pm including supper.

Consultation weekend

Title: Consultation weekend
Description: As a first step to determining what the ministry needs for the Parish will be after March 2013, confidential questionnaire forms are available at all churches. We would encourage you to each fill out a form. This will be followed by the consultation weekend with Presbytery members on December 1st and 2nd.
Date: 2012-12-01

Outback BBQ

Title: Outback BBQ – Friendship Group
Start Time: 11:00am
Date: Wednesday 14 November

The Friendship Support Group is hosting a ‘Great Outback BBQ’to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of Christian Ministry in the Inland.

The cost of the meal is $5.00 each. For catering purposes approximate numbers are need. If you would like to participate, please write your name on the list provided on the foyer table at the Church and indicate whether you require transport. For further enquiries contact us.

Book Fair 23 & 24 November

Our Book Fair will be held on 23 & 24 November 2012.

Donations of books are welcome so clean out those cupboards and allow those books to be read again!


KUCAKids in Uniting Church Aust is a group for primary school aged children and is held weekly on Mondays at The Summit UC Hall at 3:15pm.KUCA is a group for primary school aged children